
 Unveiling the Art of Guest Communication: “WHO-WHERE-HOW”

“Guest communication represents the face of the business.“ “Important” is an understatement to describe how valuable Guest Communication is to the entire experience of your previous guests, current guests, and prospect guests. This isn’t a secret whether you are a seasoned host, or a hungry learner to the short-term-rental industry. Together, we will list and emphasize the important details that a host should incorporate into the communication we are preparing to send. In this article, we unveil and dissect the art of guest communication, its timing and maneuver. WHO ▪️ WHERE ▪️HOW Who? “Who are your Ideal Guests?“ Kids love playgrounds, business travelers would appreciate their own workspaces, couples would look for places where they can have privacy, and large dining tables would attract a large group of guests. Firstly, identifying WHO your Ideal guests are, would definitely narrow down your reach. This enables you to be more focused and tailor fit your message according to your guest avatar.  By doing so, we can provide more details, photos, and highlights on what these guests would like to hear and know about your listing. Where? “Where are you planning to communicate with them?“ Once you have identified who your ideal guests are, we then proceed to choose the channel/s where we would like to reach-out to them. This stage is the most crucial part of the entire guest communication process as this determines the success of the engagement of your guest communication. How? “How are we going to communicate with them?“ Sky’s the limit for your creativity. Following a few episodes of Direct Booking Simplified Podcast, some of our guest-stars who are also property owners, shared their best practices on how they reach out to their guests. Start your direct booking journey Start crafting personalized sequences and impactful broadcasts today to enhance guest experiences and boost your vacation home rental property’s success. Send customers directly to your own direct booking site rather than the OTA when crafting these emails. If you need help getting your direct booking site up, start your CraftedStays 14-day free trial and start owning your bookings Get started today and get $30 off your first 12 months.


Direct Booking Simplified Podcast – EP20 – with Dave Goodfellow

In this episode, we learn which tactics work for Dave to drive direct bookings. After trying many different tactics, Dave figured out how to reliably get a steady stream of direct bookings by using one simple tactic: calling the guest. He’s able to build relationships, understand the guest’s visit frequency, and secure the next stay should they come back to the area. Join us on this episode to dive deep into how Dave grew his portfolio and how he’s able to win in direct bookings. Summary and Highlights In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dave, a seasoned property investor who has navigated through various sectors of the industry over the past 14 years. Here’s a recap of Dave’s journey, insights, and strategies that have propelled his business forward, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Dave’s Background Dave began his career in property investing with fix-and-flips and long-term rentals. However, six years ago, he pivoted towards short-term rentals and serviced accommodations. Today, he manages a diverse portfolio of 75 properties, including owned properties, rental arbitrage units, and properties managed for others. Dave is also expanding into building small hotels and apart-hotels, showcasing his dynamic approach to scaling his business. Business Evolution During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dave’s business saw rapid growth by catering to NHS staff and key workers, expanding his portfolio to nearly 100 properties at its peak. However, as the landscape evolved, Dave strategically scaled back on managed properties, focusing more on owned properties and rental arbitrage. This shift allowed him to maintain greater control over operations and adapt to changing market conditions effectively. Direct Booking Strategy One of Dave’s standout achievements is his direct booking strategy, which currently accounts for 50% of his bookings, with a goal to increase this to 65%. His approach revolves around personalizing guest experiences through a “mid-stay customer care call” conducted the day after check-in. This not only ensures guest satisfaction but also encourages repeat bookings and referrals, especially from business and contractor guests who appreciate personalized service. Systems and Processes To streamline operations, Dave leverages technology such as Monday.com for tracking inquiries and follow-ups. Integration with his Property Management System (PMS), MailChimp, and Monday.com through Zapier has automated many processes, allowing Dave to focus more on enhancing customer experience and nurturing high-value repeat clients. Advice for Others Dave’s success is rooted in understanding his client base deeply and actively engaging with them. He emphasizes the importance of networking with industry leaders and investing in continuous education to stay ahead. His top recommendation for fellow property managers and investors is to prioritize direct customer interactions to convert OTA bookings into direct bookings, thereby building a loyal customer base. Conclusion Dave’s journey from traditional property investing to innovative hospitality solutions during the pandemic offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to thrive in the property sector. His strategic adaptations and focus on direct customer relationships underscore the importance of agility and customer-centricity in achieving sustained business growth. Follow Dave Goodfellow on Instagram @nokistays & @davegoodfellowofficial Transcription Gil: Hey folks, welcome back to Direct Booking Simplified, where we break down the tactics and strategies to win in direct bookings. On today’s show, I have Dave Goodfellow. Hey Dave, welcome to the show. Hey, thanks for having me. Really  Dave: appreciate you having me and giving me this space to talk. Gil: Yeah, you’re all the way across the sea. One of my furthest guests that I had so far. Um, so it’s welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to the show. Um, yeah. Why don’t you, uh, introduce yourself to, to our listeners?  Dave: Yeah. Happy to. So I’m Dave Goodfellow. I’m the owner of Nokia stays over here in the UK. We are a serviced accommodation, Airbnb, short term rental, whatever you want to call it, kind of operator. Dave: Um, I’m a property investor at heart. Um, I kind of got into property about 14 years ago and was, you know, Refurbishing properties and selling them and had a small buy to let portfolio or a rental prop, um, a rental business, um, and then six years ago, I decided that I wanted to get into the short term rental market and switched my, my property portfolio into this. Dave: And then I’ve grown, uh, A nice business over the last six years where we, we, we rent or rental arbitrage, you call it in, in the state. Um, we manage for other people and we build our own stuff and we’re now building kind of small hotels and apart hotels and stuff like that too.  Gil: So you’re, you’re, you’re now building your own hotels. Gil: Yeah. Uh, what’s, what’s, what’s been the journey through that? Have you launched your first, uh, build yet?  Dave: Uh, so I’m in the process of building one at the moment. Uh, it’s called what we call, it’s a concept called an apart hotel in the uk. So yeah, we’ll purchase a, an old sort of hotel. Um, yeah. We’ll then take out all the operational space, like the, the bars and the restaurants, and we’ll put rentable space in there by changing them into apartments. Dave: Um, so I’ve got one at the moment over in North Wales, a little town called Llandudno. Um, and that’s 11 apartments under one roof, uh, in this old sort of Victorian, uh, building that’s, uh, been now made into an apartment hotel.  Gil: And that one’s already live.  Dave: No, no. It’s in the process of  Gil: being built right now. Gil: Oh, okay. When, when do you, when do you plan to complete and start having your first few guests in there? So it should have been may just gone, Dave: but as with all developments, they all run over, they’re all over budget and they’re all a nightmare. Um, this one should be, we should be opening kind of back end of August, beginning of September. So we totally missed


Mastering Email Communication for Your Vacation Rental Business

Email marketing is a powerful tool for vacation rental owners to engage with guests, building relationships, and boost direct bookings. Understanding the nuances between sequence and broadcast emails can significantly enhance your strategy and effectiveness in reaching your audience. Sequence Emails VS Broadcast Emails Sequence Emails – deployed as a series, nurturing leads and relationships by showcasing expertise, providing destination insights, and guiding guests beginning from long before their arrival and extends well beyond departure, with personalized content. On the other hand; Broadcast Emails – are singular messages sent to your entire audience, ideal for promoting events, seasonal festivities, calendar availability updates, and time-sensitive offers within the area of your listing. These messages have the power to inform, entice, and convert potential guests into delighted visitors. Mastering these distinct email types allows vacation rental marketers to strategically communicate with their audience, ultimately increasing direct bookings and enhancing guest satisfaction. Sequence Emails: Building Lasting Relationships When to Use and What to Include in Sequence Emails: 1. Pre-Arrival Excitement: 2. During Their Stay: 3. Post-Stay Gratitude and Feedback: 4. Ongoing Engagement: Key Elements of Effective Sequence Emails Broadcasts Emails: Timely Updates and Promotions When to Use and What to Include in Broadcast Emails: 1. Promoting Events and Seasonal Festivities Timing: 4-6 weeks in advance Purpose: This lead time allows guests to plan their trips around special events or seasonal festivities. Whether it’s a local festival, holiday celebration, or cultural event, sending your email 4-6 weeks ahead ensures your guests can secure their accommodation early and make the most of their visit. 2. Calendar Availability Updates Timing: Bi-monthly or as significant changes occur Purpose: Keeping your guests informed about availability changes is crucial for maintaining interest and bookings. Regular updates ensure that potential guests are aware of open dates and can plan accordingly, maximizing your occupancy rates. It is also a great way to promote availability due to last-minute cancelations. 3. Time-Sensitive Offers and Discounts Timing: 2-4 weeks before the offer expires Purpose: Urgency is key when promoting time-sensitive offers. By sending emails a few weeks before the offer ends, you create a sense of urgency and encourage guests to take action quickly. This approach often results in higher conversion rates and bookings. 4. Local Area Highlights and Attractions Timing: Seasonally or as new attractions/events emerge Purpose: Highlighting local attractions and activities helps guests plan memorable experiences during their stay. Whether it’s a new restaurant opening, a popular hiking trail, “Taylor Swift” may have a concert in town, or a special exhibition match between “Mayweather and Pacquiao”, timely updates ensure your guests are well-informed and excited about their upcoming visit. 5. General Updates and Announcements Timing: Monthly, quarterly, or whenever significant Purpose: Keeping your audience informed about general updates, property improvements, or new amenities enhances their perception of your rental property. Regular communication also reinforces your brand presence and keeps your property top-of-mind for future bookings. Best Practices for Effective Broadcast Emails Conclusion Incorporating both sequences and broadcasts into your email marketing strategy can transform how you engage with guests and maximize your vacation rental bookings. Sequences build trust and loyalty over time, while broadcasts capitalize on timely opportunities to drive immediate action. By mastering these two types of emails and tailoring them to your business’s unique strengths, you can create a cohesive and effective communication strategy that keeps guests coming back year after year. Start your direct booking journey Start crafting personalized sequences and impactful broadcasts today to enhance guest experiences and boost your vacation home rental property’s success. Send customers directly to your own direct booking site rather than the OTA when crafting these emails. If you need help getting your direct booking site up, start your CraftedStays 14-day free trial and start owning your bookings Get started today and get $30 off your first 12 months.


Creating a Look-alike Audience Using StayFi: Boosting Direct Bookings Effectively

In the dynamic realm of vacation home rentals, securing direct bookings is crucial for sustained success. As an independent host who’s pretty much hands on with the social media marketing of your own listings, harnessing the power of data-driven insights can significantly enhance your marketing strategy. One powerful tool in your arsenal is creating a look-alike audience using StayFi, which allows you to leverage past guest data to attract new potential guests who share similar characteristics. Let’s explore the reasons and methods through which this approach can enhance your marketing endeavors. Understanding the Significance StayFi, a platform designed to enhance guest experience through WiFi connectivity, also doubles as a valuable data collection tool. By capturing guest information such as names and emails during their stay, StayFi enables you to build a database of past guests. This database becomes invaluable for future marketing initiatives, including the creation of look-alike audiences. Traditional methods of attracting traffic to your direct booking site often involve generic audience targeting on platforms like Facebook. While effective to some extent, these methods lack the precision and specificity that a custom audience derived from past guests can offer. Here’s where creating a look-alike audience becomes pivotal. The Importance of Look-alike Audiences A look-alike audience essentially mirrors the characteristics of your existing customer base. By identifying common traits among your past guests—such as demographics, interests, and behaviors—you can pinpoint potential new guests who are likely to resonate with your vacation rental offerings. This targeted approach not only increases the relevance of your marketing campaigns but also maximizes your return on ad spend (ROAS) by reaching potential guests who are more inclined to convert. Steps to Create a Look-alike Audience Using StayFi For More tips and for the video tutorial on the suggested steps, you may click on the Facebook Icon and join the group Airbnb, VRBO, & Direct Bookings-Marketing, Bookings, and Revenue Management Benefits and Conclusion Creating a look-alike audience using StayFi not only optimizes your advertising efforts but also enhances your ability to attract high-quality leads. By leveraging the power of data collected through StayFi, you can refine your targeting strategies, minimize ad spend wastage, and ultimately drive more direct bookings for your vacation rental property. In conclusion, integrating StayFi’s guest data with Facebook’s advertising capabilities empowers you to reach a curated audience that is predisposed to engage with your vacation rental offerings. This strategic approach not only boosts the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns but also fosters long-term guest loyalty and satisfaction. Embrace the power of data-driven marketing today to elevate your vacation rental business to new heights. Start your direct booking journey Start crafting personalized sequences and impactful broadcasts today to enhance guest experiences and boost your vacation home rental property’s success. Send customers directly to your own direct booking site rather than the OTA when crafting these emails. If you need help getting your direct booking site up, start your CraftedStays 14-day free trial and start owning your bookings Get started today and get $30 off your first 12 months.

Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast, Uncategorized

Direct Booking Simplified Podcast – EP17 – The strategies and tactics used by large scale property management companies with Alex Husner

Welcome to this week’s podcast with Alex Husner, former CMO of Condo-World, CEO of Directly Alex, and podcast host of Alex & Annie. Alex shows us how large property management companies invest in marketing and tactics smaller property managers can deploy to build their brands. She breaks down the components within her marketing flywheel. Summary and Topic Highlights In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Alex Husner, a seasoned podcast host and marketing expert with over a decade of experience in the property management sector. Alex joined us to dissect the crucial elements that contribute to successfully securing direct bookings in today’s competitive market. Building a Strong Brand Foundation Alex emphasized that building a brand is not just important; it’s essential for hosts aiming to expand their inventory or manage multiple properties effectively. This begins with clearly defining your unique selling points, core message, identifying target personas, and crafting effective communication strategies. Harnessing the Power of Content Strategy A robust content strategy is pivotal not only for SEO but also for establishing authority within your market niche. Alex recommended focusing on creating compelling travel guides, highlighting local points of interest, and producing destination-specific content to attract and engage potential guests. Leveraging Email Marketing Effectively Despite the rise of new marketing channels, Alex reaffirmed that email marketing remains a potent tool for hosts. She advised hosts to collect guest emails, segment their lists based on preferences and behaviors, and craft targeted campaigns aligned with booking seasons and local events. Making PPC Work for You Even smaller hosts can benefit from PPC advertising by targeting niche keywords related to their properties or unique amenities. Alex stressed the importance of strategic keyword selection and continuous optimization to maximize ROI on PPC campaigns. Harnessing User-Generated Content Alex highlighted the value of user-generated content (UGC) as a powerful marketing asset. Encouraging guests to share their experiences through photos and testimonials can significantly enhance credibility and attract new bookings. Optimizing Tech Stack and Guest Communication Regularly auditing your tech tools and guest communication flow is crucial. Alex advised hosts to streamline operations and enhance the guest experience by testing the booking process from a guest’s perspective and identifying areas for improvement. Embracing Continuous Learning and Networking Staying abreast of industry trends through podcasts, conferences, and networking events is essential for growth. Alex encouraged hosts to remain open to learning from peers and industry experts to adapt and innovate continually. Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Efficiency Consolidating tech tools wherever possible can streamline operations and potentially reduce costs. Alex recommended evaluating current tools to ensure they align with business goals and enhance overall efficiency. Personalizing Guest Experiences Lastly, Alex emphasized the importance of personalized and timely guest communication. Creating positive guest experiences through personalized interactions can foster loyalty and increase repeat bookings. Conclusion: Embrace Innovation and Adaptability In closing, Alex advised hosts to embrace innovation, immerse themselves in learning resources, and be willing to adapt based on new insights. She encouraged hosts to take calculated risks, explore new strategies, and remain proactive in refining their approach to indirect bookings. Stay tuned for more insights and expert advice on optimizing your property management marketing strategies. Subscribe to our podcast for the latest episodes and updates on mastering indirect bookings in the ever-evolving hospitality landscape. Remember, success lies in continuous learning, strategic adaptation, and leveraging the right tools and strategies to stand out in your market. Follow Alex on instagram @alexohusner Interested in joining happy guests? Click on the “Happy Guest” image below, for Alex’s referral link for our podcast guests. Transcription Alex: If you’re building this, that you want it to be a company that you either are, you own the inventory and you want to be owning more inventory, or you want to be managing additional properties for somebody else. You really need to be looking at this in the perspective of you’re building a brand. If you’re trying to manage, um, or own more properties and rent them, you have to be building a brand early on and, you know, taking a deep dive into what do you want it to be known for? Alex: I mean, what’s going to be the differentiator in your market? What is the core message? What are the personas that you’re trying to attract and how do you talk to them differently and what tactics that you’re going to use to talk to them? Gil: Hey folks, welcome back to direct booking simplified. We break down the strategies and tactics to win a direct bookings on today’s show. We have Alex Husner. She’s a podcast host herself and has over a decade experience of working with big property management companies on nailing the marketing today. Gil: She’s going to break down the foundational pieces. to win indirect bookings. So let’s bring her in here. Alex, welcome to the show.  Alex: Thank you so much for having me. It’s great to be on the other side of the mic for once.  Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s really good to meet you. I know you, you normally work with much larger hosts and property management teams, but it’s, uh, it’s good to have you on the show and really show us kind of the other side of how professionals do it. Alex: I’m excited to dive into it and, and, uh, just have a great conversation. Love talking about everything, direct booking. So this will be fun.  Yeah. So it’s kind of kick us off, Alex. Do you mind giving folks a brief introduction to yourself?  Alex: Sure. So, um, as Gil said, my name is Alex Husner. I’m based in Myrtle beach, South Carolina. Alex: Uh, I’ve been in vacation rentals Since 2008, and for 13 years worked with a company called condo world here in the north, Brittle Beach market as their chief marketing officer. Um, and really got to see in the, in that third time, 13 year timeline, a company that was, was doing well,


CraftedStays joins Google for Startups Cloud Program

CraftedStays has been admitted to Google for Startups Cloud Program to bring reliable Direct Booking to more hosts. As part of this partnership, CraftedStays has access to engineering teams inside Google, training programs to Google’s suite of solutions, and access to Google’s reliable cloud infrastructure.  CraftedStays will be working with the Google team to explore how generative AI can be leveraged in the short-term-rental space to improve the guest experience and provide hosts with better tools to run their better business. CraftedStays has rebuilt its entire infrastructure on Google Cloud to ensure hosts have reliable uptime for their sites. All users are on CraftedStays new infrastructure and benefit from its new performance standards. Be on the lookout for new developments as CraftedStays and Google Cloud work together to bring more solutions to short-term-rental hosts. 

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