Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast

Win in Direct Bookings by Going Niche with Adam and Deavon Peterson

On this episode we have Adam and Deavon Peterson, a couple that plays on each other’s strenghts. They own over 100 long-term-rental doors and 4 short-term-rentals. They went against the grain and purchased in non-mainstream vacation destinations and found a niche that has allowed them to outperform their investor peers. They walk us through their philosophy that lead them to major direct booking wins by serving a short-term-rental market that does not fit airbnb’s demographic. Podcast Summary Adam and Deavon have achieved success in the short-term rental business by leveraging Adam’s established fishing charter venture and targeting properties in areas renowned for fishing and outdoor activities. Their strategy revolves around catering specifically to anglers and outdoor enthusiasts, enabling them to drive direct bookings through focused marketing efforts. Key tactics include active participation in relevant Facebook groups, collaboration with local businesses such as other fishing charters, and hosting influencers and YouTubers at their properties to amplify their reach. Central to their success is the advice to pursue one’s passion and embrace it fully, rather than conforming to predetermined paths that may not align with one’s skills and interests. Adam encourages self-belief and perseverance in the face of challenges, emphasizing the importance of resilience. Deavon underscores the significance of supporting a partner’s aspirations, even when the route to success isn’t immediately clear. Their partnership thrives on the synergy between Adam’s visionary approach and Deavon’s practical implementation skills, illustrating how complementary mindsets can lead to success. In summary, Adam and Deavon have distinguished themselves by capitalizing on their expertise and passion for fishing and the outdoors, rather than attempting to compete directly in saturated vacation markets. Their unique approach has enabled them to carve out a niche and achieve notable success in the short-term rental industry, demonstrating the power of focusing on what one knows and loves. Essential Highlights Here are a few key takeaways from this podcast episode: Follow Adam and Deavon on instagram @southernparadisevacation Transcription We’ve even started marketing a lot on the different fishing groups on Facebook. We’ll send out our, through our direct booking website. We’re able to share that on a lot of different Facebook groups that maybe it doesn’t look as good coming from an Airbnb/VRBO sharing, but if you’re able to share it through a direct booking website and you put it out there and you say, hey, you know, here’s a way to reach me, you can book directly right here on our site. It also allows them to ask questions and, you know, Hey, if you’re on here, it says you might know a little bit more about parking and a little bit more about what we’re trying to do. And it started just popping off immediately,  to where, it’s been steady. Our occupancy is over 80 percent in our off season, which is typically 30 to 40%.  Welcome back to direct booking simplified. We break down the strategies and tactics to win in direct bookings. On today’s episode, we have Adam and Devon, their long term rental investors that turned short term rental. They currently have more than a hundred long term rentals and four short term rentals and starting to migrate their portfolio into more short term rentals. They went away from investing in mainstream markets and now has outpaced their peers. They leverage their passion in fishing to double their occupancies. Today, the walk us through how they think about investing into short term rentals and how they’re able to get more direct bookings. So let’s bring them in.  Hey, A am Hey, Deavon. Hey, how’s it going? I’m, I’m doing well. How are you going? How are you guys?  Great. Good We’re good. What’s what’s been up with you folks?  Well, we are on a spring break with our little kiddos right now. So busier than usual running everybody here and there. And we just spent the weekend at one of our short term rentals enjoying, you know, enjoying all our hard work. So that was fun. Yeah. Did you guys have any Easter egg hunts and such? We did. We did. And we’re in South Louisiana. So we had the obligatory crawfish boil. I don’t think anybody else does, but I don’t think we have that in the city. We don’t have a top of the Easter egg on.  Nice. Nice.  That’s okay though.  I love it I love it. Um, to kind of kick us off. Um, do you mind giving folks a brief introduction to both of yourselves?  So Adam Peterson, we are, or I am a real estate investor.  I left my W two job after 15 years, um, about two years ago. Um, I started investing in long term real estate, um, about 10 years ago. Um, we had built up to about a hundred doors, 150 doors, and then decided, but we started getting into the, um, started getting into short term rentals and we started, we really liked that space better. Um, so we started to almost trade up our long term rentals and a few short term rentals. Um, started with one, we’re up to four, uh, currently that we’re operating and working on, um, converting another, uh, long term rental that we’ve already owned into a short term rental, as well as another, um, short term rental that will go along with our fishing company, which we’ll talk more about in a little bit, but, um, so we’re working on five and six right now to, uh, get us moving. So it’s full time trying to move a hundred percent into short term real estate, along with, uh, a charter fishing operation.  And I’m Deavon, I’m his wife. Uh, I still work full time as a nurse practitioner. Um, but I do most of our management for the short term rentals. I take care of more of the, like, email messaging.  All of the more finite details out of his word, the dreamer, the big picture person, I kind of

Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast

Get more direct bookings by unleveling your quality and consistency with Chris Petzy

In this episode, we have Chris Petzy. He’s a seasoned operator with over 80 doors and is a coach at STR Secrets. He walks us through his operational framework of Technology, People, and Processes that lead him to consistent direct bookings. Podcast Summary Chris underscores the significance of technology, processes, and personnel as the foundation for delivering consistent 5-star guest experiences that encourage direct rebookings. His tech arsenal includes platforms like Guesty, Pricelabs, Stayfi, GoSTR, and Breezeway, each serving a specific function in managing various aspects of the business. Central to his approach is the establishment of robust processes and documentation to train team members effectively and uphold standards across properties. Utilizing tools such as checklists, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and regular communications, Chris ensures consistency is ingrained within the organization. A key focal point for Chris is assembling a team of “A players” who embody the company’s vision, which he deems as the most critical factor in success. By emphasizing strong leadership, clear processes, and an inspiring vision, he attracts and nurtures top talent within his organization. In terms of direct bookings, Chris employs post-stay email/SMS journeys and monthly email campaigns that highlight seasonal offerings, promotions, and new properties to keep guests engaged. He places great importance on tracking leading indicators such as website traffic, follower growth, and top-performing content to optimize strategies for direct booking growth, reflecting his data-driven operational approach. Chris’s operations background underscores his commitment to being data-driven and understanding the key performance indicators (KPIs) behind guest experience and direct booking performance. The overarching theme of his insights revolves around integrating operations and guest experience seamlessly into the business, establishing them as systematic components that foster consistency and drive repeat bookings. Essential Highlights Here are a few key points from Chris’s insights on operations, direct bookings, and guest experience: The overarching theme is making operations and guest experience an embedded, systematized part of the business to foster consistency and repeat bookings. Follow Chris on instagram @chris_petzy Transcription It all has to do with operations. So we didn’t really touch on this earlier, but if you talk to people in the mastermind, they, they kind of see me as the, the ops guy. Um, and that’s actually my group coaching call is operations and scale. That’s where my niche is. That’s where my focus is in this business.  And to do that really well, I always say you need three things. You need great technology. You need great process and you need great people. The people being the most important part, but if you put those three things together and then monitor that, have good, the quality control in place,  that’s going to be what creates that consistent experience for. Uh, your guests, your clients, et cetera.  Hey folks, welcome back to direct booking simplified. We break down the tactics and strategies to win more direct bookings. On today’s show, we have Chris Petsy. He operates over 80 doors and is a coach at STR secrets and is an operational beast. Today. He’s going to walk us through his operational framework of technology, people in process to win more direct bookings. So let’s bring him in. Hey, Chris. Welcome to the show.  Hey, thanks for having me, man.  Yeah. Um, I’m, I’m glad to have you on. Uh, I’ve been referred to you by a couple of folks from, uh, from your cohort address, your secrets cohort. Um, so I’m, I’m glad to have you on,  um, to kind of kick us off. Can you give a brief intro on who you are and what you do?  Yeah. I’m the co owner of Seacoast Summit. And we operate a couple of brands, Seacoast vacation rentals and summit vacation rentals in the New Hampshire mass coastline, as well as the New Hampshire and Vermont mountains, lakes and mountains. And we were founded by my business partner actually in 2019. And over that five year run, we partnered two years in  and we went from about 10 listings when we first started to, we’re going to be over 80 by next week. Whoa. Is that mainly co hosting nowadays or are you still acquiring?  Yeah, I got started by acquiring. So I have nine doors myself. My business partner has seven. So I think one of the cool things about our model is we’re not just co host. We get it from the investor side of the house. And,  uh, but the rest are, are co host deals. And we do have one,  I guess, like a part hotel. So that’s an 11 unit in Hampton beach. So we have a little bit of that experience to operating a hotel style  accommodation.  Yeah. I bet.  I bet you, given that you’re a host yourself, it makes it a lot easier to have conversations to other hosts on taking over because they trust you on your own properties.  And you’re able to kind of empathize back to them about Really? Like, how do you make mortgage? How do you actually get good revenues back in return?   Yeah. Is this relatable, right? So like we, as, as investors, we have goals for our properties, whether that’s profit or, you know, maintenance free and all the systems and things that we do for our own businesses we do for our clients. And so it’s in perfect harmony and alignment. The business that we, you know, execute on for our personal properties. It also happens for our clients as well. So it’s a benefit for everybody.  Got it. Yeah. That makes sense. You’re also, um, you’re also a coach as well too. Is that right? Yeah. So a  couple, almost two and a half years ago now, I, I had joined short term rental secrets, the mastermind by Mike Shogren when I first got started. So as soon as I bought the property, I was like, I want to just have all the answers. So who’s got that blueprint? And Mike did. .So

Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast

Nail your messaging to win more direct bookings with Megan Castor

On this episode we have Megan Castor. She’s a short term rental copywriter and helps hosts nail their messaging to reach the right customers. She walks us through the myth of reaching casting a wide net when going direct and why it’s critical to narrow your market in order to make an impact in direct bookings. Podcast Summary In this episode with Megan Castor regarding the importance of defining an ideal guest avatar for vacation rentals, several key insights emerged. First and foremost, identifying this avatar is foundational for effective marketing strategies and ensuring the guest experience is finely tuned to meet the expectations of your target audience. Without a clear persona in mind, messaging risks being generic and failing to connect meaningfully with potential guests. To construct this avatar, it’s essential to delve into past guest reviews and consider various demographic factors such as age, family status, and interests, crafting a comprehensive persona that can be vividly visualized. Once the ideal guest avatar is established, the focus shifts to tailoring both the marketing approach and the property itself to cater specifically to their needs and desires. From amenities and property descriptions to communication style, every aspect should be finely tuned to resonate with the identified persona. Importantly, this approach allows for the infusion of personality and emotion into marketing efforts, ultimately driving bookings from those most likely to appreciate the unique offering. To implement these strategies effectively, it’s advisable to start small, perhaps by refining one aspect such as the property description, before expanding efforts across various channels like websites and social media. The overarching lesson gleaned from this conversation is the significant payoff that comes from investing time and effort upfront in defining the ideal guest avatar. By aligning marketing efforts and property design with the preferences of a specific audience segment, vacation rental owners can create a more compelling and tailored experience that resonates deeply with potential guests. Moreover, sharing this persona with the entire team ensures alignment and consistency in portraying an experience optimized for the target audience, ultimately leading to increased bookings and guest satisfaction. Essential Highlights Here are a few key takeaways from the conversation with Megan Castor about defining an ideal guest avatar for vacation rentals: Overall, taking the time upfront to thoroughly define your ideal guest pays dividends in more compelling, resonant marketing and a property tailored seamlessly to the right audience’s needs. Follow Megan on instagram @thevacationrentalcopywriter Transcription And just because you narrow down your messaging doesn’t mean that other people won’t come stay there too. Um, it just really means that you’re being clear and focused and targeted. Um, when you market to Everybody you’re marketing to nobody and you’re not speaking to anybody. You’re not pulling at anybody’s heartstrings. You’re not, you know, getting anybody to say, Ooh, yes, that’s me. Of course. Like this place is for me. That’s awesome. Um,  so you’re, you know, you’re kind of missing the mark there.  Hey Megan. Hi, how are you doing? I’m doing great. It’s been a, it’s been a good week on my side. Um, we’ve been spending a lot of time growing the company and it’s been, it’s been really good. How are you been? That’s so exciting. Um, it’s good here too. Um, I’ve been working on a lot of projects, um, for my copywriting clients, um, and really honing in on, um,  you know, understanding your target market. Um, I’ve really been talking about that a lot this week. So I’m excited to talk about it with you.  Yeah, I, uh, I think I came across you because I ended up following your Instagram. Um, and we’ll get into this, but like the ideal guest avatar, like you nailed it in capturing my attention as, as possibly your audience. But yeah, it, it struck me pretty, like pretty hard. Like I started scrolling through your feed right after I saw that one post, I forgot which one it was, but it definitely resonated.  Yeah. Yeah. I mean, You know, I talk about that a lot just because, um, I feel like it’s one of the biggest mistakes that people make in marketing and it’s  one of the simplest things to correct and kind of should be your starting point. So, you know, it’s something that I address a lot.   Yeah. Um, to kind of get us started, why don’t you give our audience a sense of kind of who you are, what you do? Um, yeah, you’re kind of your background there.  Yeah,  of course. Um, so I am actually a former teacher. Um, I decided to switch over to copywriting because my one of my dreams was always to be a writer. I wanted to be a teacher and I wanted to be a writer. So, um, when I had my young family, um, You know, it seemed like a good time to kind of transition to that. So I started diving into copywriting and I was really drawn to vacation rentals because I stay in vacation rentals all of the time with my family. Um, and I’m really passionate about them because they’re such a good place for people who have families. You have all the space, you have the, you know, fully equipped kitchen. Um, it’s just like the ideal experience when you’re traveling with a family. So I love them. Um, and it was just natural for me to niche down into vacation rentals. Um, I’ve worked with travel companies, um, but really my bread and butter is marketing and copywriting for vacation rental brands and owners. Um, so I write everything from website content and copy to blogs  to property descriptions. Um, And really focus on speaking to the ideal guests through every channel that you use to market, um, your property. So that’s really what I do.   Yeah. How did you make that transition from being a teacher to a copywriter?   Yeah. Um, it seems like kind of a big leap,

Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast

Getting more repeat bookings with text and email marketing with Sam Minstretta

Sam is a short term rental operator with properties in 5 markets and is the founder of GoSTRMarketing, the done-for-you str marketing firm focused on getting repeat bookings through email and text campaigns. Podcast Summary In this podcast with Sam Minstretta on utilizing email and text marketing for vacation rentals, several key insights emerged. Firstly, the combination of text messages alongside emails proves significantly more effective than relying solely on emails. Texts boast impressive open rates (98%) and rapid readership (90% within 3 minutes), highlighting their potential for quick and impactful communication. Secondly, consistency emerges as a crucial factor for success. While initiating strong campaigns is feasible, maintaining momentum over time requires systematic and regular outreach efforts, which in turn yield compounding results. Furthermore, personalization emerges as a cornerstone strategy. Tailoring communications to include the guest’s name, property details, and reminders of past stays enhances engagement and fosters a sense of connection. Importantly, offering value beyond mere promotions is emphasized. Providing local insights, restaurant recommendations, and event suggestions enriches the guest experience and fosters a sense of community. Leveraging existing data, such as past guest contact information, is highlighted as a valuable resource with significant revenue potential when utilized effectively. Lastly, maintaining a positive mindset and visualizing goals are underscored as crucial for success when embarking on direct booking efforts. Tracking key metrics like unsubscribe rates and click-through rates enables optimization over time. However, the true power lies in consistently expanding and nurturing the guest database year after year. By implementing these strategies, vacation rental marketers can enhance their outreach efforts and cultivate lasting guest relationships. Essential Highlights Here are a few key takeaways from the podcast with Sam Minstretta about using email and text marketing for vacation rentals: Follow Sam on instagram @samuelmistrpm Transcription The email by itself, I’ve tried that before and, um, just email marketing alone. And that took a little longer to kind of gain traction. But whenever we started doing the text and email marketing, I mean, it was within days    Hey there, welcome back to direct booking simplified, where we break down the strategies and tactics to win in direct bookings.  And on today’s show, we have Sam and Shada. He’s an SDR operator with properties in five markets and is the founder of go STR marketing and SDR marketing firm focused on email and text marketing. Today he’s going to walk us through how he leverages email and text marketing to win more repeat bookings for his portfolio and his customers. So let’s bring him in. Hey, Sam. It’s, uh, it’s great to have you on the show.  Yeah, Gil. Thanks for having me, man. Excited to be here. How things been for you?  It’s been, it’s been good. It’s been good. Um, we did a whole bunch of releases on craft to stays a few weeks back, new templates, new additions, um, onboarded a whole bunch of new customers. So it’s been, it’s been really good there. I, I definitely can’t complain. Yeah, that’s awesome,  man. I think it’s so cool what you guys are doing.  What’s been, what’s been up with you, man,  just, um, trying to, trying to do the best at, at we can, both in the short term rental side of the business and then also helping people drive some direct bookings, man. So, um, yeah, just fulfilling those bookings for the summer, doing the, uh, revenue management things on one end and then, uh, really the team’s kind of been doing that. So we’ve got a great team, uh, that’s helping me while my main focus is over on, you know, the go STR side. Uh, just, just helping people reach out to those contacts and rekindling those relationships so they can be, you know, bookers for life, man. So go STR has been keeping me busy. All good. Yeah.  I live also the dual world of Um, being, uh, being a host,  being a full time host and a full time, uh, entrepreneur as well, too. Um, I find that now I have less mind space to tend to like the day to day of hosting. Um,  but I, I try to carve out like the beginning of my days to like take care of all of my hosting stuff so I can then focus on just the business thereafter.  But it’s, it’s challenging. It’s challenging.  It’s a great plan.  Time blocking, you know, I love it. Do all the same, but. It’s so easy for one thing just to kind of spin off, but yeah, it’s just awareness. I guess, you know, I mean, like, I feel like if I don’t spend the time in the morning to do the SDR stuff, then it, I think about it. It’s in my mind, it’s implanted in my mind for the rest of the day. So I do take, make sure that everything is running. I’m checking my pricing for at least like 10, 15 minutes in the morning just to make sure that like, I don’t have to worry about for the rest of the day.  Absolutely. Yeah. How’s, how’s your properties been, um, on your side? Um, have they, is it looking as, as good as it was last year? Or are you seeing a change this year around?   Yeah, man. Uh, actually I had the best January I’ve ever had. It’s typically, uh, I’m in five different markets, so it’s kind of different. I’m in two beach markets and, um, um,  Three, well, I guess three beach markets in, in two kind of, uh, I guess college towns, I guess you could say all along the Gulf coast. So, um, man, uh, January is typically the slowest month. We’ve had the best January we’ve ever had. I think we were up like 40 percent over last year.  It’s crazy. It’s crazy, man. And then, um, February was good. It was just up 8%, but, uh, Feb, uh, March is, March is looking pretty good. So, so I

Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast

Don’t be afraid to take the plunge with Chase Charifa

Join us as we talk to Chase Charifa, an STR investor with properties in 3 markets, now focusing on new construction, and has build a personal brand worth following. He shares his journey in the process, and walks us through how he approaches building his brand. Podcast Summary Chase, a seasoned real estate investor, underscores the significance of building a supportive network of like-minded individuals at the outset of one’s journey in the field. He stresses perseverance and seeking guidance from those with more experience to navigate obstacles effectively. Furthermore, Chase outlines his strategic approach of utilizing online travel agencies (OTAs) such as Airbnb initially to establish a client base, before gradually transitioning towards direct marketing to this audience over a span of 2-3 years. This strategy involves leveraging data on past guests to tailor advertising efforts to specific regions, thereby maximizing outreach and engagement. Moreover, Chase places great importance on the aesthetic appeal and presentation of his properties, emphasizing high-quality design and professional photography/videography to attract both guests and influencers. His success in securing features from prominent influencers and publications speaks to the efficacy of this approach in driving visibility and bookings. For aspiring investors, Chase advocates a hunger for knowledge, encouraging active participation in local meetups and a willingness to learn through both successes and failures. Currently, Chase’s focus lies on constructing new short-term rental properties, opting for “A-frame” structures across various locations in response to the inflated prices of resale properties in many markets. In essence, Chase’s narrative sheds light on his journey towards establishing a thriving short-term rental business. By initially leveraging OTAs, prioritizing property aesthetics and marketing, and continuously seeking opportunities for growth and learning, he has forged a path towards sustained success in the competitive real estate landscape. Essential Highlights Here are a few key takeaways from the conversation: Overall, it highlighted Chase’s experiences building a successful short-term rental business by initially leveraging OTAs, creating outstanding properties/visuals, and then transitioning efforts towards direct bookings over time. Follow Chase’ on instagram @janchasecharifa Transcription  I guess don’t be afraid to take the plunge, you know, learn as much as you can surround yourself with people, like minded people meaning wanting to invest, eager to invest, wanting to learn. And if this is really the space you want to be in, if you really want to be a real estate investor and you know, you have your goals in mind, don’t let  any stumbling blocks stop you. Don’t let any hurdle stop you  like every problem has a solution to it. Some take longer than others. That’s why you lean on those who have experience to, you know, guide you through it and eventually you’ll get through it.  Hey there, welcome back to direct booking simplified, where we simplify direct bookings and make it attainable for all hosts and on today’s show, we have Chase Sharifa.  He’s an SDR operator with properties in three markets and is focusing on new construction and he’s nailed how to create content that resonates with his guests. He’s going to walk us through how he took the plunge into short term rentals and how he’s leveraging his expertise to build his following. So without further ado, let’s bring on chase.  Hey Chase, welcome. Welcome to our episode today. Hi, thank you for having me. When I started this podcast, I was like, Oh, you’ve been pretty much in this journey with me since my very beginning. And I was like, when I do this, I want to, I want to have you on as a guest. Well, thank you. Yeah. I mean, we connected right away. And so I think that was  really important. It seemed like we have very similar values and, you know and goals. So no, thank you for having me on. Yeah.  I don’t know if you remember the first time we, like we, we met, it was Sarah Khan, I didn’t even have, I didn’t even launch my property at that time. You pushed me to keep on getting my, my, my next cabin. I think if it wasn’t for you, I would probably stuck with my, my first one for a long time.  Yeah. Yeah. I remember when we were talking about it, it just seems like you were like analysis, paralysis type of thing. Yeah. And I was just, I heard, I saw myself in that and I was like, man, I mean, you’re not going to knock it out of the park all the time. And I know it seems like every single. Story out there. They knock it out on the first one and then  they keep going and they get the confidence. But yours was maybe more challenging where you’re struggling, you know, struggling to launch and, and then struggling with it. And then I was like, well,  as you’re improving, like as an investor, you’re, you’re gonna go through some challenges. Sometimes it could be in the beginning, sometimes it could be at the end, but. It’s the consistency that helps you win. You know,  I think that that was a big lesson for, for me. It was like, when I first bought my cabin, it was in 22  and the market started to soften up quite a bit at that time. Like we weren’t getting 2020, 2021 numbers coming out of COVID coming out of the pandemic. And I was like, damn, can I, can I do this again? Like if I buy another one, I’m going to double down on, on a bad investment. And I think what you made me realize was like,  not every property is going to hit, like be a home run. I think the first one, it’s kind of like what like the bigger pockets talks about. It was like the first one isn’t necessarily one that you’re going to hit a home run. It’s necessarily for you to like get started and you learn about the whole process and then for

Direct Bookings Simplified Podcast

Building a brand foundation with Steph Weber

On this week’s podcast we have Steph Weber, season marketer and brand strategist. She highlights the importance of building your brand to create a long term sustainable STR business. She steps through the steps to build your brand and attract more guest to find you and remember you. Podcast Summary In this podcast episode, Steph underscored the importance of establishing a robust brand presence and marketing strategy for vacation rental businesses. Instead of relying solely on OTA’s, Steph advocates for creating a personalized ecosystem encompassing a website, email list, and social media platforms to foster direct bookings. Central to this approach is identifying and targeting specific guest demographics, crafting compelling narratives that resonate emotionally, and curating engaging content that goes beyond mere property listings. Furthermore, Steph stresses the significance of leveraging social media as a tool for storytelling and community building rather than just showcasing listings. By sharing transformational stories, offering glimpses into unique experiences, and demonstrating innovation in the industry, hosts can captivate audiences and foster genuine connections. Collaborating with micro-influencers and local businesses aligned with the target audience can also enhance visibility and expand reach, while incentivizing guests to share their experiences fosters user-generated content and strengthens brand advocacy. Ultimately, Steph advocates for a long-term approach to marketing, viewing it as a means to cultivate enduring relationships and foster repeat business rather than focusing solely on transactional bookings. Embracing one’s vision wholeheartedly, honing existing skills, and remaining open to learning and seizing opportunities aligned with overarching goals are key tenets in building a sustainable and thriving vacation rental enterprise. Essential Highlights Here are a few key takeaways from the conversation: The core emphasis is on developing your own brand identity, messaging and marketing channels to drive direct bookings and build a sustainable vacation rental business not overly reliant on third-party platforms. Follow Steph on Instagram at @theweberco Transcription: The last handful of years, short term rental owners have been able to list a home on Airbnb and Vrbo and make really great money. And I think that the platform and the space has just shifted, right? As more investors have entered, it’s just changed. And so the need and regardless, again, I just go back to like, You have no ownership over Airbnb. So if they want to put you on page 12 tomorrow, guess what? They’re gonna do it if it’s in their best interest, right? That’s it. Hey folks. Welcome to direct booking simplified. I’m your host, Gil Chan, the founder of Catastase. And on today’s podcast, we have Steph Weber. She has over a decade of experience in marketing. She has her own portfolio of STRs, and she’s now getting into new builds. Today’s podcast. She’s going to break down how to get started in building your brand and build long lasting relationships with your guests. So without further ado, let’s bring in Steph. Hey Steph. Thanks for joining us today. How are you? I’m so excited to be here with you. Yeah. What we, I met you only more, more recently, but I really found that like what you’re doing on building a brand. I was like, Oh, I got to meet her. I got to get her in here as much as fast as possible. Yes. Well, I love it. And I love everything that you guys have going on with crafted stays and your entire short term rental journey. So I’m excited to dive into all the things today. Oh my God. It’s been, it’s been quite a journey. I never thought like when I got into short term rentals, it would turn into like pretty much like replacing my entire life in every aspect. and I, and I remember like chatting with you last week, it almost did the same thing into your career as well too. I guess maybe like to like dive right in. Do you mind giving, our guests, a little rundown of kind of who you are and where you came from and kind of like what your journey has been. Yeah. Yeah. I will, I will try to give you all the, short version of a very long story, but, my name is Steph Weber. I’m the CEO of the Weber co hosted by the Webers and. One of the partners in cabins on the Cumberland. So for the last 10 years, for the last decade, I have been supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses in their branding and organic marketing efforts. So anything, social media, influencer marketing, email marketing, et cetera. That has been my focus. I’ve had my own marketing agency. I’ve helped a number of different types of businesses from brick and mortar retail stores to. The chiropractic office up the street from me to the wellness center that just opened on the South side of our city to those in the online coaching industry. So, so many different businesses and entrepreneurs that I’ve had the opportunity to serve and work with over my decade long career in the branding and marketing space, which is crazy to say so many changes and so much opportunity. And that led me to building my own brand, which. started actually as a fashion, beauty and travel influencer. So this whole business started under the name trendy and Indy. And in that I was really partnering with small businesses to help them promote their clothing, their beauty products, their hotels. I had an opportunity to work with on Dawes on wall street and also in Napa Valley and 25 hours hotels over in Europe and the Lark hotel group, out on the East coast. So lots of different, amazing opportunities. And that though, Gil, what I was realizing, my, my purpose really felt like for those businesses was from a branding perspective and being able to tell their story that they were trying to leverage to target a specific audience. Right. And I also knew that there were so many businesses I was working with that were

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